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Prosperity Process: Clarify what you are passionate about – Attract Prosperity!
Have you read our latest blog on The Prosperity Process: Set the intention – Attract Prosperity?

I've discussed the importance of the intentions that you put out there, and invited you all to open up yourselves to the many opportunities life has to offer.

Now, let me ask you. Are you clear about "what is important to you"? If you are, congratulations! You have now begun your journey through the prosperity process. You might now be noticing that some events which seemed insignificant in the past, are now drawing your attention, and that new possibilities are even bestowed on you.

Let us begin!


In order to continue the prosperity process, I invite you to inquire about the following:

What do you love with a passion?

Consider that your inquiry will take a life of its own. It is neither definitive, nor static. As you will be inquiring about certain aspects of your life throughout the process, you will start noticing that the conversation is evolving, as you share it with others. Sharing will allow you to gain new insights on your process, and as you put more attention on your inquiry, it will become more specific. As you gain clarity, you start getting access to what you truly love with a passion, in an unfamiliar way.

You may also notice that others around you have crafted their own world, and are inclined to live inside of what they are passionate about – and that is great!

I invite you to do the same. Find out what you love with a passion. In order to progress through the prosperity process, inquiring about your natural abilities becomes also an important inquiry that follows once you are clear about what your passions are. Thus, inquiring about one eventually brings us to inquire about the other.

Don't worry. It's all part of the process.


Now, this new inquiry is about uncovering for yourself what you are natural at, to find out what your inherent abilities are. In other words, what do you excel at and enjoy doing, and how can this be useful in providing you with prosperous results? Remember, the idea is to add a 0 to your revenues.

Over the years, this has continued to unfold for me – and transform itself – How could I continue to contribute, after a near-fatal accident in 1998, which left me no longer able to practice my profession as a financial planner? In the end, as I thought about "what I loved doing with a passion", what continued to unfold was the discovery of my passion for the leadership and the success of others.

10 years following a long process of rehabilitation after the accident, I still had people coming at me, – even strangers! – requesting counseling on financial planning. One day, I agreed to receive a few 20-minute calls for free – as 20 minutes became my new limitation following my serious head injury. I have to say that these phone calls were revealing in a way that through our conservations, I could witness the growth that they experienced, and the difference it made for them to go through the prosperity process – as well as the contribution it made to myself.

It is quite unusual, I find, how our path paints itself, and ties itself into our lives, without us really noticing it. So, as I said, this lead me to create myself as of today, by developing "The 20-minute life altering package". I'll have the chance to discuss it in further details in an upcoming article.


When you know what you excel at, you can start distancing yourself from mediocrity. That is to say, you can remain focused on what you are skilled at. Of course, social conditioning has us work on what we are not so great at, in order to enhance our capabilities – and that is fine too. However, over the years, I came to realize that my success occurred because I've decided to bet on my abilities. Since we are interested in learning how we can add a 0 to our income, I came to the conclusion that the members that I would come to choose to be part of my team would have to complement my natural abilities.

I refused to work in areas which I did not excel, or had interest in. What I rather did was to start working with individuals that were skilled in the areas I was not, which we later called "creating synergy on team". And, let me tell you that I know for a fact that the success and the growth of the enterprise could not have been possible without them.

I would like to leave you on that note: "Whatever it is that you intend; let it lay there before you. Let it gather itself and others, so that it becomes itself fully." When we listen, and are consequently positioned inside of our listenings – allowing for all the possibilities to come at us – we become separate from what it [our inquiry] actually is, and start opening ourselves to what else could show up, and possibly exist for us.

Wishing you an inquiry filled with magic and discovery that contribute immensely to your life.

Note: I became very savvy with this inquiry, which started in 1989 for me, when I first met Cathy Kolbe, in Morocco. She introduced herself and talked about the creation of the Index A. The Index A is a questionnaire allowing you to uncover what "your natural abilities" are. A scale from 1 to 10 is used to assess the modes of operation you will insist on, and/or resist to. You can read more on and take the Index A questionnaire if you wish.